This is one year of 3 tokens per day for ID48 copy and 96 bit ID48 clone for VVDI2 Full/VVDI Key Tool/Mini Key Tool/Key Tool Max/Key Tool Plus.
If today 3 tokens not used, tomorrow still 3 free tokens, not 6.
Online Token, no need real shipping.
Xhorse VVDI2 VAG Full License Including VAG 4th, 5th Immo license, VAG OBD 48 copy, ID48 96bit cloning and MQB immo license.
Xhorse VVDI2 Basic Version Update to Full Version Update Service
When you use VVDI2 MB BGA TOOL to calculate password for BENZ vehicle, you need use tokens. For customer with Condor machine, factory provide one day one time service for free, for customer do not have Condor machine, must buy this token. You can add this token into your machine, so you can calculate at any time.
Xhorse VVDI2 Copy 48 Transponder (96 Bit) Authorization with Free 1500 Bonus Points,Get free MQB Authorization.
Tokens are needed when calculating a Key Password (Internet connection required). Tokens typically cost 20usd each time, but if you happen to own a Condor XC Mini key machine, XHorse will give you up to one free token each day. All other online calculations are free and do not require the use of a token.
This is 1 Token for VVDI2 Full version or VVDI Key Tool, Mini Key tool,Key tool Max and Key tool Plus Pad for 96bit ID48 copy.After you place order,please send us your SN.Online Token,no need real shipping.
XHORSE Volkswagen VAG MQB Support Add Key & All Key Lost License allows the Xhorse vvdi key tool plus, VVDI2+vvdi prog to perform MQB add key and all keys lost functions. Support read immo data for MQB48 type with NEC35xx chip which cannot read by OBD or all keys lost, support add key and all keys lost (need sync data).
When you use VVDI MB BGA Tool to calculate password for BENZ vehicle, you need use 1 token for once calculation.
For customers who have Condor machine, once a day free calculate. For customers do not have Condor machine, you must buy tokens.
If you just buy VVDI2 basic function, you want to get the functions for BMW and OBD, you can buy this service.No real shipping,After paid, pls give us serial number of vvdi2 to open authorization for you.
VVDI2 BMW FEM & BDC Functions Authorization Service for customer who has VVDI2 full version or VVDI BMW version, but without condor key cutting machine. If you you want to get the functions for BMW FEM/BDC, you can buy this service.
If you just buy VVDI2 basic function, you want to get the functions for BMW CAS4, you can buy this service.No need shipping, after you pay this service, we will open the authorization for you.Please leave the serial number after you buy this authorization.
Xhorse released another innovation-llearning motorcycle keys through an OBD diagnostic socket. Supports learning smart keys with xm38 motorcycle smart key and program chip immobilizer keys 4d+ (80 bit) transponder type via OBDII.
After payment, pls give us Serial Number of VVDI2 or VVDI Key Tool Plus. We will activate in 24 hours.
If you have VVDI2 with BMW OBD Function, and Condor key cutting machine(XP005,XP007,XC-MINI,XC-009,XC-002), then can open this function
VVDI2 Authorization - VAG Copy 48 Transponder by OBDII/Prepare Dealer Key by Ecu Data
Only for VVDI2, not for vvdi key tool
If you just buy VVDI2 basic function, you want to get the functions for Audi and 5th IMMO, you can buy this service.
This is 5 Token for VVDI2 Full version or Mini Key tool, Key tool Max and Key tool Plus Pad, VVDI Key Tool for 96bit ID48 copy.After you place order, please send us your SN. Online Token,no need real shipping.
If you just buy VVDI2 basic function, you want to get the functions for Audi 4th and 5th IMMO authorization, you can buy this service.
If activate xhorse vvdi key tool plus with BMW ISN reading license, you will be able to read BMW ISN Bosch ECU MSV80 MSV90 MSD80 MSD81 MSD85 MSD87 N20 N55 B38 with the Bosh ECU adapter XNDP30.
VVDI2 Prepare Toyota H Chip Authorization Service (VT-01),No need shipping, after you pay this service, please you give us your vvdi2 series number, we will open the authorization for you.